Thursday 23 October 2008

Facial Animation progress

I'll finish up Oswald's eyes, hair and ears later. I'll focus on modelling the body for now.

Friday 17 October 2008


Something I did for the 24th art contest. The idea was to draw an intense face, and so I came up with this.

I laughed so hard when I added the pimples.

Thursday 16 October 2008

Facial Animation - Entry the Second

Still modelling Oswald's head (click to view larger image)

I suck so much at modelling humans, which is why I tend to make machine models in Maya.

Krowzivitch's Decor8 contest

Krowzivitch, from, started up a contest over at the VGcats forum. Here's my submission.

I really enjoyed filling in the blank octopus line-art provided for the contest.

Facial Animation - Entry Zero

Here's the sketch of the character I'm going to use for my facial animation project for my uni (click to see larger image)

Oswald says hi!

Proper introductions

I'm a comic artist/writer, amateur Flash animator, digital painter/illustrator and currently trying to learn more about 3D animation. However, I'd definitely want to specialise in 2D animation, and it'd be a dream come true for me if I could work for Fat Kat Studios. Pixar, maybe, but Fat Kat's preferable. In the future, after maybe a decade or two in the industry I'd like to help train fellow Bruneians in making high-quality animation.

There's this other blog here...

I totally forgot about this blog and I made one when a friend of mine coaxed me to do a blog for a blog-group thing...

So now there's two of me on blogspot, and hilariously enough they're both pretty much the same.

The two blogs are this one, and